Have you ever faced a situation wherein you saw a garment and immediately concluded that it is made at home?
Homemade clothing has no doubt been there since times immemorial, but these days anything which gives a homemade look is considered to be of low quality.
Be it the quality of the fabric or the way of stitching; everything needs to be in the proper place to give your garment a polished look, nothing less than the one in the store.
Homemade clothing is durable and has always proven to stand the test of time.
And if you are able to give that finishing touch to your homemade garments, you can enjoy the best of both worlds.
In this article, we will discuss the nitty gritty that can help in making your sewing look professional and certain things that can be avoided to give your clothes a sophisticated look.
Use the best quality tools

If you can afford it, you should always buy the best quality tools that you use for sewing. Believe me, the difference that a good pair of scissors will bring to the outcome of your sewing will be phenomenal.
Another critical tool to invest in would be the pinking shears, which come in handy in cutting certain fabrics that fray easily and are also used for finishing the seams.
Another important aspect of sewing is the marking which, if done through chalks that leave permanent stains, can bring undesirable results.
So, the preferred choice should be penned, which has a fine tip. The finer tip would not only bring in more accuracy but would also save you from the hassle of removing stains.
Use good quality elastic and casings

It often happens that when you are falling short of fabric, you tend to use a small casing and a thin and skinny elastic. Believe me, the skinny elastic and thin casings look way too cheap and can take away the thunder from your entire garment.
Another thing to take care of is never to let your elastic twist and turn by making the casing snug. A twisting elastic would be the last thing that someone would want to see in their clothes.
Always make a large hem

A large hem always gives your outfit a sophisticated and expensive look because you used an extra amount and did not try to save your fabric, and later, if the garment needs to be lengthened, you will always have the added benefit of the extra hem that you have put in.
Using a needle that is best suited

There is no harm in investing in a few needles of different shapes and sizes when it comes to sewing. Most of the fabrics will not require anything other than a universal needle, but there are certain thick fabrics like denim, which will require a heavy needle and certain delicate fabrics that will need a ballpoint needle.
Also, whenever sewing something new, you should change your needle as the needles tend to dull quickly, and using a new needle will definitely bring a stark difference in your sewing.
Make sure to under-stitch your collars

Nothing is more painful than constantly having to keep the collar of the shirt or a tunic down. A simple solution lies in understitching the facings and the collars, which would not only add more appeal to your clothing but would prove to be a boon for the one wearing those.
Prewashing and Post ironing the fabric

There are certain fabrics that have the tendency to shrink or release dyes and colors. You would definitely not want to spend your entire time and effort in creating fabric only to find that it has shrunken or has faded away when coming out of the washing machine.
As important as prewashing, equally important is ironing the garment once you are finished with it. On ironing, all the stitches are set, and structures are created, which instantly double the worth of your garment.
All in all, through the above-mentioned ways, we have tried to answer the burning question of how to make sewing look professional. Try to follow the tips and tactics, and I am sure the quality of your sewing will definitely show a phenomenal increase.