As unique as the name is, a Necchi sewing machine has an attribution of making 20 different stitch designs.
Isn’t that incredible?
Also, I truly like the name.
However, there’s more to Necchi’s usefulness, for example- this machine is renowned for stitching through thick fabrics.
There are real records of using a single Necchi sewing tool generation after generation! This indicates the satisfaction of customers and its loyal service to its users.
We will delve into Necchi’s success at the end again because it has such a great life span in the sewing industry. But first, we want to address your necessity.
In this article, you will get step-by-step directions to thread a Necchi Sewing Machine. The good news, you can thread most of the models of Necchi by the same process. Let’s dive in!
Methods to Thread a Necchi Sewing Machine
There are three methods to thread a Necchi. One is threading the upper portion of the machine; another is threading a double needle, and the last one is threading the bobbin under the thread dogs. Try to move forward with us by following the steps one by one.
Method 1: Threading the top of the machine
In this method, you will be handling with spool pin, spool of thread, tension disc, hooks, thread guides, and needle.
Step 1.1: Add on a spool of thread
Take a full spool of your choice and put that onto the front spool pin. You will find the front spool pin towards the front side of the machine. It sits on the upper center of the sewing machine.
Note that appending a spool of thread in a Necchi is a little different. So, when you put a spool of thread onto the spool pin, you need to push it till you hear a click. And, when you hear the sound, then you know the spool of thread has been attached to the pin correctly.
If you see carefully, you will also find a sort of spring that prevents the spool of thread from being flung out from the spool pin during stitching.
Step 1.2: The thread in the tension disc
Now, take the end of the thread between your fingertips and bring it to the tension disc. The tension disc is the part that stands around the top of the thread guide.
There is a hook or loop on the tension disc; find it. When you see it, take the thread through the hook and gently pull the thread end out.
Step 1.3: Thread at the front and then down
Tug the thread end slowly towards the front side of the machine. In this process, you will see a narrow pathway going through the body of the machine. You need to take the thread by grabbing its end through that pathway. Keep on pulling until you reach the downside area of the machine.
Next, if you look carefully, you will see arrows directing you to exactly where to take your thread onward.
Step 1.4: Looping again at the top
When you are done following the arrows, you need to take the thread back to the top of the machine.
After you reach the top, you will see the second hook on the top left front side of the machine. Pass the thread through the second hook and pull it down again.
Step 1.5: Two thread guides near the needle
On the needle holder, you will see two thread guides. They are located up and down. Take the thread through the first guide, and following that, lead the thread through the second guide.
Step 1.6: Through the eye of the Needle
No! not through anyone’s eyes on earth; simply take the thread through the eye of the needle. Pull it out and leave by 4-5 inches of thread outside so you can add it with the bobbin thread later.
Tip: The end of the thread is a little frayed by now after all the movements. Cut the edge and get a new end to stitch with.
We are done with the first method. Let’s go over the second method without wasting time.
Method 2: Threading a double-needle
In this method, you will come across two spools of thread, two spool pins, tension guides, hooks, and two needles.
Step 2.1: Thread spools on the spool pins
Unlike other sewing machines, you most certainly already have noticed there are two spool pins on your Necchi sewing machine. When you need to stitch with double needles, you have to put two different spools of thread onto them.
Step 2.2: Two thread ends around the tension guide
Once the spool pins are loaded with the spool of threads, next, you need to take the ends of the threads in two hands and pull them down near the tension disc. The tension disc is the knob that looks like a fan regulator with some numbers on it.
Read this part carefully; you are not to cross the threads over. Keep them in their channels and take them through the tension disc and hold them together.
Step 2.3: Time to crossover
Now, take the thread that you have on the right hand to the left and take the thread that you have on the left hand to the right. Keep on holding them together.
Step 2.4: Threads on the way to reach the needles
Now, try to find a hook towards the needle holder. You need to put the thread that coming from the left spool pin through the hook. And, the other thread from the right spool goes down towards the needle without going through any loop.
Next, put the thread ends through the eyes of both needles. This time, you have to take the thread that coming from the left spool pin through the left needle’s eye. Likewise, you need the take the thread that is coming from the right spool pin through the right needle’s eye.
Here, we are done with the second method as well.
Method 3: Threading the bobbin
Up to this, we have done the threading of the top part of your Necchi. Now you need to complete threading the bottom portion of the machine.
Step 3.1: Installing a bobbin
First, thread the bobbin; now, make sure the needle is lifted. Then, set that into the bobbin case. Keep 4-5 inches outside the case, and cover the bobbin case.
Step 3.2: Through the eye of the needle once again
Take the thread through the eye of the needle with your left hand. In the end, turn the handwheel with your right-hand a couple of times to connect the top and bottom threads.
Now, you are all set to stitch.
To conclude
A Necchi sewing machine is famous for its wide range of features. It can sew any thick fabrics; also, it doesn’t overheat. The outlay of a Necchi is comparatively higher than other sewing machines. But, investors say it’s worth spending as the tool can give service for a prolonged time almost without any functional issue.